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I'm excited to play Victor Vran on the Switch

With the recent announcement of Diablo III, and the recent release of Titan Quest, the Nintendo Switch is suddenly a great little Action RPG machine. 

Next week, it's getting Victor Vran!

You're probably thinking...Victor Who?

Victor Vran is a fun Action RPG from Bulgarian studio Haemimont Games, the people that mostly just make Tropico but sometimes also make random other things. They surprise me every now and then, with a The First Templar, or a Victor Vran, and I like that about the studio.

In Victor Vran, you play as a dude that sort of looks like a stereotypical Van Helsing voiced by Doug Cockle, the same guy that voices Geralt in the Witcher series, You'll traverse a whole series of locations, fighting dudes and collecting loot, in a game that's a little more level-based than the typical Diablo-clone.

I played the game when it first launched on PC, and at first I found this structure a little weird and off-putting, but once I got over my own resistance to change I found a fun, pleasant romp with surprisingly-involved mechanics and a storyline that wasn't afraid to be completely goofy.

The Switch version includes all the previously-made DLC, including a lengthy extra campaign centered around the rock band Motorhead.

Wait what?

Yes. It's true. And it's as weird as you're probably imagining.

I have no idea if the Switch version of Victor Vran will be any good, but it came to the other two consoles recently and it seems like that version took full advantage of all tiers of hardware there, so I'm hoping it runs well.