I hope those Dynasty Warriors Switch Ports come Stateside!

I hope those Dynasty Warriors Switch Ports come Stateside!

Last year, Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires, Samurai Warriors Spirit of Sanada, and Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate all had Nintendo Switch releases announced...for Japan.

I would love it if all these games came to the US.

They all already have english translations for other platforms. Fire Emblem Warriors sold well in the US, and I have no doubt that the upcoming Switch port of Hyrule Warriors will do well also.

But I'd hate for the presence of the Warriors franchise in the west to solely be the Nintendo licensed titles. At launch, the Japanese Switch also got Dragon Quest Heroes I and II...there's still no sign of those in other territories. And now Dynasty Warriors 9 is about to launch on other platforms, with "no plans at this time" for a Switch release.

"Why does any of this matter?"

Because the Vita was a great place to play Warriors games. And the ones that are on the Switch have performed very well, framerate-wise.

Sure, that DQ Heroes collection had some hiccups at launch. But Fire Emblem Warriors is one of the most well-optimized efforts I've seen out of the developers at Omega Force. In docked mode, it runs at either 720p60 or 1080p30 (user's choice!) with nary a hint of slowdown or unpleasantness.

So it's clear that the teams there are having a good/easy time making stuff for the Switch.

Is this on the publishers behind these games? Do they think that the Switch isn't a viable platform for the larger Warriors catalog? I guess that's possible...though the runaway sales success of the platform will hopefully change that perception.

And as I mentioned, a ton of Warriors games came to the Vita. And that didn't exactly sell like hotcakes in the US. It even got a pretty good exclusive game called Dynasty Warriors Next, named back when the Vita was still called the "Next Generation Portable." DW Next was supposed to represent the future of the franchise. Instead, it was a one-off that never got any sequels, but it was filled with a lot of interesting ideas.

I liked being able to carry around a machine that could play all of the modern Dynasty Warriors games, and the Switch has the ability to be that machine for the modern world. In Japan, it basically is. In the US?

Well, it has that good Fire Emblem game.

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